Jana & Cody // Kalamazoo Wedding Photographer

So this is the first wedding I've ever missed in my career and also one I was looking forward to SO MUCH. I've worked sick plenty of times but major surgery and birth is apparently where the line is drawn haha!  When Ryan came home and I looked through the images I was so bummed by all the cool stuff I missed out on but I'm so happy they have such beautiful images. We had Kyle Bultman come shoot in my place and he did such a great job with Ryan. 

Their wedding date was actually Grace's due date, what are the odds! However, because of the breech situation, she was born via c-section 4 days early so there was no way I could shoot a wedding since I could hardly walk...and now had a newborn baby which is nuts! Jana's kindness when I told her what was happening is a great example of the kind of person she is. It's hard when things change right before such a big event and being able to take that stuff is stride is a great quality. 

I just adore them and their little family. The love they have for each other and their son is just so visible and joyful. Her dress...oh my stars. I am just nuts for those straps and have never seen one like that before and it is just incredible. Also, the flowers were a big star of the show, Tracy Park of Park Place Designs did such awesome work! Cody is also so genuine and kind, he's one of Ryan's all time favorite grooms! 

I was lucky enough to be a part of their engagement shoot which was amazing so if you haven't seen that, it's got a lot more images of their adorable son in it as well. :) http://www.gauperphoto.com/blog/jana-cody-south-haven-engagement-photographer

I hope you all enjoy these as much as we do!