Grand Rapids engagement photos
This was such a fun session! It was their engagement session but since they are combining their families into one big crazy family, it was a bit of both for this session!
Not taking yourself so seriously in life is probably the key to living forever. Zander and Amy have the best sense of humor and were so energetic and fun together. As we all know, I love motion in my work. I’m always trying to get people to loosen up and move because I think it really creates more life to photos and these two take the cake on that! Even the images that appear to be still, they have a good energy to them because it’s a still moment in the midst or or right after doing something weird haha
I just love the spirit they have together and I’m so excited for their wedding. We have some really funny ones I put at the end of this post as well so be sure to make it all the way down. I had them doing a bit of a bouncy run and Amy didn’t know how legs work in that scenario and looked like a crab running around confused about being upright. It was so funny!
We hope you enjoy this set as much as we do! I realize I have been saying that in almost every blog but I just love our work so much. Sometimes it seems surreal that we created all these things since I try to blog everything. It all just seems like a lot and I have so many memories from each session. I just hope it brings joy to other people as well :)