baker lofts wedding

Matt + Lisa // Baker Lofts Wedding Photographer

Mother nature was really throwing a fit this particular weekend. Like…100% chance she was just gonna LOSE IT. So, that wasn’t promising. We made rain backup plans, Lisa bought umbrellas, we all wrapped our minds around cool rain shots and to make the best of it.

Then it just didn’t rain the whole time we planned for photos outside. It was nuts! Once we got to the reception, the sky just opened up and it POURED. It felt like it was just holding it all in until we were inside and then just let loose.

We love shooting at baker lofts so that was lucky if we needed an indoor space and their church was so beautiful! I literally have 5 minutes to get them upstairs, take the shot and back down for family photos and let me tell you 5 MINUTES is sometimes enough time to create magic. I was sweating buckets running around but it was totally worth it!

It was such an incredible day and we are super happy we were able to be a part of it! Enjoy!