Every year we seem to get one or two weddings by way of an illness of the previous photographer, a double booking or other things of that nature. We were able to step in and help once again for Hannah and Daniel and hit the jackpot. They ended up being our ideal client with a mix of genuinely kind and laid back personalities, with a touch of wackiness! What they lacked in craziness, their wedding party supplemented in spades!! We couldn't have asked for more. 😎 Thank you for welcoming us as part of the gang! We had so much fun and it shows in the images!
We really appreciate that both Hannah and Daniel can be super fun but then flip the switch into lovey mode with ease. These people adore each other and we loved it!! That love carried over to their kids when they both gave separate vows to them during the ceremony and let me tell you, there was not a dry eye in that gallery. I've heard a lot of vows but those got me right in the feels! 😭 You guys have such a great little family and I can't wait to give you these photos you can treasure forever.
Here's to you guys.
have a great life together Hannah and Daniel!!
Big shoutout to all these vendors who helped make our pictures awesome!!
-Venue by Richard App Gallery (www.therichardappgallery.tumblr.com)
-Catering by Kangaroo Kitchen (www.kangarookitchengr.com)
-Makeup by Izzy VanRyn at Manic Muse (www.manicmusesalon.com)
-Hair by Erin Fields at Pure Salon (www.puresalongr.com)
-Music by Motor City Soul (www.motorcitysouldetroit.com)
-Officiant: Gust Bassianotis (www.forevertwogether.com)
-Floral by Jill LeBlanc Floral (Jill.LeBlanc@gmail.com)