I am so excited to show these photos! This family came into our life during some real rough times. We had to get our house finished and ready to sell and then fully move out of in a really tight timeline and during our busy season and I was just a wreck since it was all just too much.
It is no surprise it has been a rough year for us since our house caught fire and we have yet to find a new home to settle in. Grace and their youngest daughter were best friends in preschool so when I reached out on Facebook for help, Jessica came over and just kept coming until we finished moving. She then brought her husband to help move the big stuff, all the kids played together, it made what was such a heavy and difficult time so much better not only having help but also having the company.
I have found in life it’s often in my hardest times that I make friends which seems weird. My friend Jen is the same story. I had Grace and was blindsided by significant postpartum issues and couldn’t take care of Grace and Jen, who I didn’t know at all, just came to spend days and nights and eventually take Grace to become a part of her family haha.
The kindness I’ve encountered from people when I’m a mess has impacted my life a lot. I think its easy to want to put on your best face when meeting or hanging out with new people to make a good impression. Well, not me apparently. I’m just broken and living in sweatpants, crying out for help and somehow people don’t run away but rather just lend a hand and thats a powerful thing to experience.

ANNNDDDD….then these ones that just make me laugh hahaha