The Austin’s are some of our favorite people and it’s an absolute joy to give them beautiful photos of their incredible family. It’s hard to meet such kind, easy going, real people so we feel incredibly lucky to have them in our lives. When they watch Grace, she just blends right into their family as the 5th child and it’s super cute!
This session went better than I remember it. It was super windy which was making it chilly and a lot of the fall color had fallen off the trees recently from the wind so I was kind of bummed about that. When I started editing their images tonight it was the first time I had actually looked at them and I was like WHAT this is amazing! hahah It’s fun to be able to relive experiences that I remembered differently. I guess that is the beauty of photography.
Ellie and her magical curly hair stole the show on this one for me. The wind, the light, it was all perfect. The 3 photos towards the end are my absolute favorite!
When we are shooting anl engagement session on a fairly overcast day and then all of the sudden THE SKY EXPLODES. We run as fast as we can to get to the water to get some sweet sky shots before it’s gone. Now, I’m not much of an “athletic” person and Ryan was carrying a bunch of gear but none of that matters when you see a sky like this. YOU RUN!
Great memories are made when you think your lungs are about to explode. hahaha
For funzies, here’s a majestic outtake in the wind. :) Not every image is a winner hahah!
We love people who love pictures! Amanda said she's been dreaming of her engagement pictures since she was a little girl which I thought was interesting. Usually it's just the wedding little girls dream about but this girl means business! hahaha
Amanda and Mike came to Muskegon State Park for one of our local engagement sessions and I'm so glad they did! It was a perfect evening and we love making trips to the beach even if it's just for work :)