The Buren Family// Austin family photographer


I am sitting here trying to think of how I could possibly describe my feelings about the Buren family because we have so much history and I just don’t even know where to begin. I Met Steve and Ang in 2005 when we were all youth leaders at third reformed and I started working for him, doing construction shortly after.

Those 3 years shaped me as an adult and helped me for a lifelong friendship that has withstood many struggles, teaching me that relationships like I had with Steve are worth pushing through when we butt heads. We are polar opposites, yet we understand, appreciate each other and aren’t afraid to tell each other things that we don’t want to hear. The reward has been well worth the effort. Steve has impacted my life more that any person in this world outside of maybe my mom and of course Holly.

He was there when I first met Holly actually and he played a huge role in saving our marriage when Holly and I went through some really hard times. I just don’t know where I would be without Steve. I honestly think God placed us in each other’s lives and I am so thankful for that.

After 16 years our situations have changed greatly and for the better, unfortunately separating us by 1,000 miles, but time has proven that we still need each other just as much as before. Luckily Steve is probably one of my only friends that I can go without talking to for a long period of time and pick up right where we left off. I really enjoyed my time down in Texas a couple weeks ago, reconnecting with his amazing Family.

The Buren family will have a great ripple effect on this world and I am happy to be at ground zero. Can’t wait to go back! Anyway, I could go on and on but I have undoubtedly embarrassed Steve enough already. Enjoy all the cuteness and love of this session. I know I did!